National Payday Loan Requirements

Do payday loan requirements vary from lender to lender? That’s a question that people commonly ask when they plan on applying for a payday loan. If you take a look at every lender, the requirements are pretty much the same. However, some of the payday loan requirements can differ. For example, one payday lender can say that a minimum monthly income of $1,000 or more is required in order to qualify. Another will require you to be employed so you have a stable source of income to pay off the online payday loan itself.
You should also note that there are people that cannot apply for a payday loan online because of certain restrictions. For instance, a non-U.S. Citizen cannot apply for a payday loan. Also, most lenders will exclude active duty members of the United States military from applying as well.
So, what exactly are the payday loan requirements?
Here are the requirements that you need to meet when applying through National Payday:
- You must be 18 years of age or older: This is a no brainer. Anyone under the age of 18 may not understand the financial responsibilities or implications that a payday loan can come with. At the same time, anyone under the age of 18 may not have a job that would meet the minimum income requirements (due to labor laws).
- You must be currently employed and have verifiable income: What is the point in approving someone a payday loan if they do not have a stable, verifiable income? Obviously, they can’t pay it back. Some lenders will require you to make a specified amount of monthly income in order to qualify. As long as you have a stable source of income, you should be good to go.
- You must have an open and active checking account: National Payday will send you money via ACH Direct Deposit. We do this to ensure that the money is delivered to you in the quickest time possible. Depending on when you submitted your payday loan online application, you can receive the funds as early as the same day. Otherwise, the money will appear in your account in one business day.
This is the best alternative as opposed to waiting for a paper check in the mail. This can cost you time and even money. Why wait until 3PM for the mail to come and then rush to the bank on a Friday? Before you know it, it’ll too late when the bank closes for the weekend. And you’ll have to find another place that cashes checks but carries steep processing fees.
If you meet the payday loan requirements above, you are guaranteed approval for a payday loan or cash advance when you apply with National Payday. We know that things happen. Especially the unexpected things that trigger the need for emergency cash.
Our application process is simple. All it takes is your name, address, phone number, and meeting the above requirements. If you need cash in as little as later today or the next day, apply now at National Payday.
Monday – Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. EST
Weekends from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. EST
Our website is accepting applications 24-hours a day, every day of the year